Subject Matter for Inspector Continuing Education Courses May Include
Renew Your West Virginia Home Inspection License
Complete our self-paced, online continuing education course to renew your West Virginia Home Inspection license. Courses are user-friendly, state-approved/accepted, and can be taken from any device, anytime.
Radon Mitigation Technology (16 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- A thorough review of radon mitigation technology including active soil depressurization, ventilation approaches and guidance for those difficult to mitigate situations.
- Audio downloadable on MP3 player for convenient listening and online review questions and certificate generation.
- This version has a smaller question set and is approved for 16 credit hours and is appropriate for individuals needing 16 credit hours to renew their NRPP measurement or mitigation
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Radon Control Methods (4 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- Video based course designed to familiarize building code officials and radon mitigation approaches and aspects of Appendix F of the building code as it applies to radon resistant new construction.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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NRPP Certification Reinstatement – Mitigation (32 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- Applicable for Reinstatement of NRPP Mitigation OR Measurement and Mitigation Certifications that have lapsed more than one year, but less than two years from reapplication date.
- A review of the entry level measurement and mitigation courses.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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NRPP Certification Reinstatement – Measurement (16 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- Applicable for Reinstatement of NRPP Measurement Certification that has lapsed more than one year, but less than two years from reapplication date. 16 CE credits.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Review of Entry Level Measurement (24 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- A review of the entry level measurement course providing you with a great review of topics ranging from the physics of radon all the way through the different types of testing devices and some valuable business perspectives for radon professionals.
- 24 CE credits for those individuals with two certifications.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help yo…
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Radon Mitigation Technology (24 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- A thorough review of radon mitigation technology including active soil depressurization, ventilation approaches and guidance for those difficult to mitigate situations.
- Audio for convenient listening and online review questions and certificate generation.
- This version has a large question set and is approved for 24 credit hours and is great for mitigation contractors who also hold a measurement certification and need 24 credit hours for renewal of their NRPP cer…
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Radon & Radon Decay Product Measurement Course (24 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- A convenient and comprehensive 24 credit hour course approved for both Measurement & Mitigation professionals. This course builds upon NRPP-45B with additional review questions and assignments.
- Students listen to the audio and complete the online quizzes.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Presenting Radon Programs (16 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- Whether you are a radon professional or an environmental health professional there is a common need to provide accurate and constructive information about radon.
- CERTI's new course Presenting Radon Programs is designed to assist individuals in delivering radon programs to a host of audiences from Real Estate professionals to builders and ultimately to the consumer.
- The course is based upon many years of experience that CERTI has had in assisting State Radon Pr…
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Radon Challenges – Gnarly Tales from the Field
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- Interpreting radon measurements or mitigating buildings with radon concerns is not always as easy we would like them to be.
- Experienced radon professionals from both sides of the profession occasionally will run across a situation that doesn't necessarily fit the simple diurnal cycles that affect stack effect or houses that don't adhere to the simple mitigation diagrams we often see in texts.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100…
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Addressing Radon in Daycare Facilities, Schools and Large Buildings (16 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This course takes radon testing to the next logical step in developing a considered approach to addressing radon concerns that have been identified during a building survey.
- Whether a survey involves a daycare facility, a school, or an administrative building, there is often a need, as dictated by the availability of resources versus the severity of the problem, to have a plan of attack.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 sati…
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Review of Entry Level Measurement (16 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- A review of the entry level measurement course providing you with a great review of topics ranging from the physics of radon all the way through the different types of testing devices and some valuable business perspectives for radon professionals.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Conducting Radon Surveys in Schools and Large Buildings (16 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This course provides an in-depth discussion on conducting surveys in schools and large buildings and provides resources and tools in order to conduct surveys.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Basis for Promoting Radon Reduction in New Construction (16 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This program provides a comprehensive review of the "Why's" and "How-To's" of radon control techniques in new and existing homes.
- These video based presentations were presented by the nation's leading experts on radon health risk, mitigation techniques as well as legal aspects and social marketing
strategies. - The completeness of this program delivered jointly by NEHA and the US EPA, makes it applicable to environmental…
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Radon Measurement & Mitigation in KARST and Tropical Climates (16 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This continuing education course deals with pressure driven entry of radon due to environmental factors found in structures constructed on karst or limestone formations as well as the effects very tight buildings within tropical regions.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Radon & Radon Decay Product Measurement Course (16 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- A convenient and comprehensive 16 credit hour course approved for both measurement & Mitigation Professionals.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Protecting Your Home from Radon (16 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This course includes the book "Protecting Your Home from Radon," resource materials, and online questions. It provides 16 credit hours for both measurement and mitigation professionals.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Advanced Rn Measurements for Multi-Family and other Large Buildings (12 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- With the expanding need for radon measurements in apartment buildings as is now required by HUD, students taking this course will learn about the different approaches for testing apartment buildings, as well as, the additional complexity involved with working with tenants as well as clients.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.<…
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Radon Entry and Measurement in KARST and Tropical Climates (12 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This continuing education course deals with pressure driven entry of radon due to environmental factors found in structures constructed on karst or limestone formations as well as the effects of very tight buildings within tropical regions.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Incorporation of Rn Control Techniques in New Construction (8 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- Presenting a new course that covers technical aspects of radon measurement and mitigation for residential buildings as well as schools and commercial buildings.
- It also encompasses techniques for fixing existing structures and design parameters for the incorporation of radon control systems during the construction of homes and large buildings.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1…
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Technical Review of Rn Meas and Mitig Techniques for Radon Professionals
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- Presenting a new course that covers technical aspects of radon measurement and mitigation for residential buildings as well as schools and commercial buildings.
- It also encompasses techniques for fixing existing structures and design parameters for the incorporation of radon control systems during the construction of homes and large buildings.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1…
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Canadian Radon Program – Mitigation (8 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- A comparison of the radon mitigation standards and protocols between the US and Canadian Radon Program, including the differences in fan locations, discharge points, and consumer recommendations.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Design and Installation of Radon and Soil Gas Collection Systems (8 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This course provides an in-depth discussion in the design and installation of radon mitigation systems and soil gas collection systems in new building construction.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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RRNC Practices / Health Perspectives (8 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This course is comprised of sessions recorded at an. EPA, Region VIII's Radon Stakeholder's Meeting in April 2010.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Health Perspectives in Promoting RRNC (8 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- Highlights of Presentations given at the EPA Region 8 Stakeholders Meeting.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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RRNC Practices – An Industry Discussion (8 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This course is comprised of two separate sessions recorded at the U.S. EPA, Region VIII's Radon Stakeholder's Meeting in Denver Colorado in April 2010.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Application of HRV/ERV's for Radon Reduction (4 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This 4 hr CE course was a LIVE WEBCAST during the AARST 2020 Virtual International Radon Symposium
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Radon Response for Schools and Commercial Buildings (4 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This 4 hr CE course was a live webcast during the AARST 2020 Virtual International Radon Symposium.
- The recorded session includes questions and answers from attendees.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Addressing Radon Decay Products – Another Tool in the Tool Box (4 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- It is well known the mechanism by which radon exposure increases the potential of lung cancer is alpha release from the short-lived decay products of radon and the amount of these decay products available for respiration can vary due to air circulation rates, particulate levels, etc.
- This course explores from a practical standpoint how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels. …
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Workbook for AARST/NRPP Advanced Multi-Family Measurement Listing (4 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This four hour course includes the Workbook (exam) for the AARST/NRPP Advanced Multi-Family Measurement Listing.
- A prerequisite to this course is either C-12-103 – Advanced Radon Measurements OR C-16-106 – Conducting Radon Surveys in Schools and Large Buildings.
- After completion of either of those courses and this Workbook Course you are eligible to apply for the Advanced Multi-Family Measurement Listing with NRPP.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in…
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Interviews with Radon Experts (4 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This audio-based home study course provides you with an easy-to-use format of recorded phone interviews with respected experts in the field providing valuable information and insight to the radon industry.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Radon from a Physician's Perspective (4 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI.
- This is a round table discussion by radon subject matter experts and Doctors of Osteopathy discussing the health effects of radon exposure and options for including advice and information to patients.
- The format includes audio instruction over a PowerPoint Presentation.
- @ HomePrep is a National Leader in online education. With over 100,000 satisfied students and a course catalog of over 1,000 classes, we are here to help you – Invest in Yourself.
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Becoming Proficient with Rad Elec E-PERM (4 Hours)
This course is offered in partnership with CERTI. A comprehensive program describing the proper use of Electret Ion Chambers as manufactured by Rad Elec.
- The course consists of a video available online, a course manual describing key operational features of the EPERM system, as well as an opportunity to test your knowledge and skills in calculating results via online questions.
- This course provides the required educational component of the Rad Elec Manufacturer Certification Program.
- @ HomePrep is a National Lea…
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How It Works
Take the online course at your convenience.
Fully complete the course to access your certificate.
Complete any additional state requirements to renew your license.
Course Features
State Approved / Accepted
Lifetime Access
Mobile Compatible
Instant Certificate Upon Completion
Returning Student Discount
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