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Coal Seam Continuity Was Interpreted From Borehole to Borehole Ç…å±‚è¿žç» §


To numerically investigate the stress distribution and deformation failure level of gas drainage boreholes in deep soft coal seams, ABAQUS is applied to numerical simulations based on the effective stress principle, under various conditions of compressive strengths, in-situ stresses, borehole diameters, gas pressures, and other factors. Simulation results indicate that the occurrence of vertical stress peak and position vary with the geo-stress, compressive strength of the coal mass, and gas pressure of the coal, accordingly the displacement and deformation of the borehole wall emerge. The maximum vertical stress of the coal mass is increased to 35.11 MPa while the imposed geo-stress is 25 MPa. Correspondingly, the displacement and deformation of the borehole wall reach 17.16 mm. Although the compressive strength of the coal mass increases from 2.6 to 5.2 MPa, the displacement and deformation of the borehole wall decreases from 17.3 to 5.19 mm. Nevertheless, the change in the borehole diameter will not trigger dramatic variations on the stress and deformation failure of the borehole. Research results provide theoretical support required to effectively address the stuck and collapse of long inseam boreholes while drilling in deep and soft coal seams. In addition, research results demonstrate a positive influence on the gas drainage with long and large inseam boreholes in highly gassy coal mines.

Article highlights

  • The stress distribution and deformation failure of boreholes in deep gassy coal seams have been numerically investigated on the basis of effective stress principle.

  • The occurrence position of vertical peak stress of boreholes in gassy coal seam will gradually shift away from the borehole center as the geo-stress and the gas pressure of the coal seam increase.

  • The variation of the borehole diameter negligibly influence the stability of the borehole in gassy and soft coal seams.

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The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China <Grant No. 52104118>, the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing Province, China<Grant No. cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0633>, and the Special Project funded by Chongqing Postdoctoral Science Foundation <Project No. Xm2017068>. The authors also express their deep gratitude to Prof. Hu Qianting, Li Quangui and the anonymous reviewers for their invaluable supports.

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Jiangfu, H., Wenchao, H., Chengpeng, Z. et al. Numerical simulation on the deformation characteristics of borehole failure in gas-bearing coal seams considering the effective stress principle under complicated stress path conditions. Geomech. Geophys. Geo-energ. Geo-resour. 8, 95 (2022).

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  • Soft coal seam
  • Numerical simulation
  • Deformation
  • Borehole failure
  • Stress characteristics


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