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Funny Names to Give Your Plant

If you've got house plants, or even an outdoor garden where you have a collection of flora you really love, you might be considering giving one or two – or twenty! – of your favourite plants a "pet" name.

I've had my share of digging up good names for so called "pet" plants on this blog already, and I don't think I'm done yet.

I moved to Portugal a few years back, and started an outdoor collection of cacti and succulents, so my first article of this sort was on the cutest cactus names I could find online. Some of my favourites include, "Sir Stabbington," "Peter the Prick," and "Spike Lee."

The second, since that article was so much fun to compile and come up with names for, was on names for succulent plants in general.

Of these, my favourite is probably the idea of naming a gollum jade plant "Smeagol" (from Lord of the Rings, which I came up with on my own. Yes, I'm laughing at my own joke here; sad, I know.

Now, I'm going as broad as it really goes, trying to cover names for pretty much any pet plant you have at home, whether it's a houseplant or a plant in your garden.

I'll probably narrow the focus again for other specific types of plants you might want to bequeath the honour of naming. Like herbs, for instance, or flowers (orchid collectors – I commend you for being able to keep your plants alive). Maybe even bonsais. Let me know if you have any more ideas for me to cover in the comments down below!

But back to the topic of plant names in general.

While I'm hoping I'll be able to give enough name recommendations that you'll find the perfect plant name in this list, I also know that chances are high I won't actually nail it with everyone, so I'm hoping that at least I'll give you enough ideas to springboard off of so you'll be able to come up with the perfect name for your pet plant after scanning this list over.

I've covered a slew of different types of ways you can name a pet plant. Some ways I find quite cute, like naming a plant after a part of a plant, for instance "Bud" or "Spike."

You can also name a plant after a common first name that's actually the name of another plant – which I find to be quite funny, yet charming. Like naming a spider plant you have as a houseplant "Lily" or "Buttercup."

You can name house plants after synonyms of the colour green, or different shade variants of the colour. Like "Emerald" or "Hunter."

There are so many names for shades of green that you could actually name a massive collection of plants this way and have a nearly never-ending theme for countless houseplants.

Speaking of themes, if you have a small collection and you want a really amusing & funny (well, to me it is) naming convention – I love the idea of naming your "pet" plants after common pet (dog and cat) names.

Like naming one "Fluffy" and another "Lassie." I think these make for pretty catchy and hilarious nicknames for houseplants, especially since it's a bit ironic.

If you can think of any other naming conventions/ways you can name house plants that's fun, funny, cute, and/or catchy, please do let me know in the comments!

Also take a moment to share your favourite pet names for plants in the comments down below – as well as if you have named any of your plants, what types of plants you have and which names you chose.

Can't wait to hear what you guys named your plants, actually. It's been so fun to read through the comments on the cactus & succulent names posts!

Good Names for Pet Plants: Cute, Funny, Catchy & Fun

Cute & Funny Names for Plants That Are Parts of Plants

  • Seed / Seedy
  • Leaf / Leafy / Leafie
  • Flower / Flowery
  • Bud / Buddy
  • Nut / Nutty
  • Thorn / Thorny
  • Spike / Spikey
  • Stem / Stemmie
  • Root / Roots / Rooty / Rootie
  • Fruit / Fruity
  • Shoot
  • Sprout
  • Node

Funny Joke Names, Puns & Ironic Names for Pet Plants

Ironic Names for Plants That Are Common Pet Names for Dogs & Cats

  • Fluffy
  • Spot
  • Buddy
  • Lassie
  • Ruff
  • Mr. Whiskers
  • Spark / Sparky

Funny Names for "Pet" Plants That Allude to Friendship & Companionship

  • Bud / Buddy
  • Pal
  • Chum
  • Bro

Ironic Plant Names That Are Common Human Names Based on Flowers

  • Buttercup
  • Lily
  • Violet
  • Rose / Rosa
  • Marigold
  • Magnolia
  • Camellia
  • Daisy
  • Dahlia
  • Iris

Ironic Plant Names That Are Common Human Names Based on Other Plants

  • Ivy
  • Fern
  • Bluebell
  • Olive / Olivia
  • Peach
  • Sage
  • Cherry
  • Clover
  • Hazel
  • Willow
  • Jasmine

Funny, Yet Cute Names for Pet Plants That Are Names of Foods

  • Salad
  • Green Tea
  • Avocado
  • Kimchi
  • Artichoke
  • Brussel Sprout
  • Lettuce
  • Bento / Bento Box
  • Miso
  • Ragu
  • Pickles
  • Snow Pea
  • Kiwi

Names for Pet Plants That Are Synonyms / Names for Shades of the Colour Green

  • Greenie
  • Esmeralda
  • Emerald
  • Irvin
  • Peridot
  • Mint
  • Meadow
  • Hunter
  • Chartreuse
  • Pickle
  • Pistachio
  • Mint
  • Lime
  • Emerald
  • Seafoam
  • Parakeet
  • Juniper
  • Sage
  • Moss
  • Olive

Names for Specific Types of Pet Plants

Cactus Name Ideas

  • Spike
  • Sharpie
  • Prickles
  • Cuddles
  • Pinhead
  • Spike Lee
  • Green Bean
  • See more cactus name ideas here.

Succulent Name Ideas

  • Jade
  • Stripe
  • Bubbles
  • Greenie
  • Pebbles
  • Esmerelda
  • See more succulent name ideas here.

Your Thoughts on Good Plant Names?

What are your favourite "pet" plant names? Are there any names you think should be up on this list?

If you've named a plant before – what was the name you gave yor


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